Summer 2013 Update

Here is the July update:

“Pequeños Picasso at Rosewood” <a href=""></a>

(see English below)

Verano 2013 Horarios:

Lunes – Viernes 10 AM a 1:00 PM.

De 1 Julio al 19 Julio: 3 semanas

Precios: 1750 pesos ( $150 USD) por semana.  Obten un 10% de descuento por dos semanas o mas. Todos los materiales de arte, libros y golosinas, estan incluidas.

1- Entrenamiento creativo/ Desarrollo – Dibujo de la vida- Redaccion de historias. Historia del Arte. Creacion de objectos de arte

2- Crear un “Animalito- Alebrijes” Pintura en Madera reciclada. Combinando Madera reciclada en tres formas y figuras dimensionales para producer una criatura unica usando madera. Enfoque en el uso de colores brillantes para pintar y darle vida a esta criatura con muchas personalidades y expresiones.

3- Mascara Moustro

Crear una bestia mitica, criaturas e insectos curiosos.

Usando papel mache o yeso de Paris para construir una forma con las caracteristicas clave del diseno de un moustro.

Usando colores y accesorios (plumas, botones y lentejuelas) para darle al moustro una personalidad unica.

4- El arte de la Pintura Trabajando del papel al lienzo para desarrollar las habilidades de dibujo y las tecnicas de la ilustracion.

Pintura con precision.

5- Multimedia/ Collage: Poner todas tus cosas favoritas en el lienzo.

Papeles, texturas, fotografias y palabras.

Aprende el arte del Collage cortando, haciendo capasa, contrastes y complementando.

La historia del Arte y hechos divertidos seran ensenados diariamente.


Dirigido por maestros de arte calificados de la Fundacion de Arte de los Niños.

Diseñado para la chispa artistica de los Pequeños Picasso.

Para una clase pequena con un personal unico, asegurara que su Verano sera divertido, significativo e inolvidable.


“Little Picasso At Rosewood”

By the Children’s Art Foundation.

Summer 2013: From July 1 to July 19, 2013

Designed to spark the artistic abilities of little Picassos.

The small class size with a uniquely personal approach will ensure your child ‘s Summer workshop is fun, meaningful and unforgettable.

Summer Program 2013:

July 1st to July 19th.

Register by week, by day or for all 3 weeks.

- Monday- Friday: 10 AM to 1:00 PM.

- Fees: 1750 pesos ( $150 USD) per week.  10% discount for two weeks or more.

- 350 pesos per day.

- All art materials and snacks are included.

<a href=""></a>

Please Contact: <a href=""></a>

Detailed program below:

1- Creativity training/ Development – Drawing from life- Story writing. Art history. Creating Art objects  from Recycled or Thrown- away materials.

2- Create an “Animalito- Alebrijes” Painting on recycled wood Combining recycled wood into three dimensional shapes and forms to produce a unique creature using wood glue Focus on using bright wacky colours to paint and bring the creature to life with lots of personality and expressions!

3- Monster Mask Create mythical beast, kooky creatures abd inquisitive insects. Using paper mache or plaster de Paris (Gesso) to build shape and form the key characters of the monster design. Using colours and accessories (feathers, buttons and beads) to give the monster its unique personality.

4- The Art of Painting Working from paper to canvas to develop drawing skills and illustration techniques. Paint with accuracy and precision

5- Multimedia/ Collage :

Put all your favourite things on one canvas. Papers, textures, photographs and words. Learn the art of Collage by cutting, layering, contrasting and complementing.

Art history and fun facts will be taught daily.

Taught by qualified art teachers from the Children’s Art Foundation.

Designed to spark the artistic abilities of little Picassos.The small class size with a uniquely personal approach will ensure your Summer is fun, meaningful and unforgettable.



Children’s Art Foundation (CAF) A.C

<a href=""></a>



This is our update for June:

The CHILDREN’S ART FOUNDATION “Literacy Through Art” Invites you to “Save the date” for the following special events:

I- EVENTS: November 16,2013 (5-8 PM) at “Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez El Nigromante”( Bellas Artes). Children’s Art Exhibit Awards Presentation Fund Raising Dinner Reception- Celebration At Bellas Artes Hernandez Macias – Centro

II- Education: Come to visit at our weekly class in the campo. Every Saturday except holidays. Leaving at Bellas Artes at 9:30AM return at 1PM.

III – New Outreach Programs: the Children’s Art Foundation is launching two NEW outreach programs: – A Bi-Weekly educational REVISTA, a family publication IN SPANISH with a special section for Children artwork and stories. (Art, culture and history). The “CIUDADANO” is released on the First and Third Thursdays each month. Free for all children in the campos. 8p a copy at Regular news stands and at popular locations in centro: Lagundi, el Jardin, Organic market non- profit section. June 15th is our first issue. -

A Travelling Exhibit &amp; Workshop: for children in many remote communities to experience the joy of self- expression through art. Co-operation between the Children’s Art Foundation and “Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez El Nigromante.( Bellas Artes)

IV- Where are the ART COOKIES?: ( Look for the Art cookies label on the door) Find your favourite cookies here, thanks to the kind business owners of: – Rosewood’s Restaurant 1826 – Camino Silvestre (Zacateros 46) – Solutions (Mesones 57- Reloj) – BONANZA ( Mesones 43- tel 152 1260) Why not go to one of these places this weekend and get the freshly baked SAN MIGUEL ART Cookies to enjoy!!!

Thank you! Hannah Jarmain, Children’s Art Foundation Contact:, website:

ADDRESS: Aldama #3 Centro San Miguel de Allende GTO 37700- MEXICO Hannah Children’s Art Foundation (CAF) A.C